Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Record-Breaking Snow!!!!

SNOW!!! And a lot of it! In these past two days Dallas and Sunnyvale have become a winter wonderland for the first time ever! And people used to think Utah and Washington, D.C had a lot of snow. We ended the 5 inch record with a total of 8.9 inches in a 24 hour period and over a foot total! It snowed the entire day! From when we woke up until about 11:30 P.M!
A little snowman making action.

Our desert palm tree...

The finished project that morning before school

After school we went to the Phillips' sub division and went sledding and surfing down the colossal hill in front of their house. Take note of the pink flowered umbrella.
Some winter surfing when the Davidson's showed up.
Two of the cutest little people alive!

The supply of sleds was short so I realized that you don't need a sled to go sledding! Well, at least that's what I thought...