Friday, July 30, 2010


We went to Aspen Grove this summer.It was so much fun!
The dads did a little paint ball war. AHHHHH!

The last night there is a big family dance! Head Lock!!

Smile Maddie!

We won the family follies! 1st Time!!!!!
NO WEAKSAUCE was are Motto! Go Aspen Grove!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

water fun

we went to the lake . we did some awesome things . we 3 skied. we also did a pyramid

4th of July!!!

We went to the cabin for the 4th of july. It was so much fun the fire works were awesome . Are cousins came with us to.They live up in Arizona .
Ellie was so cute
Maddie? or a wizard?
just move along little doggie